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La Pieve di San Cresci is the oldest in Chianti. Inside this fascinating place is the seat of La Macina di San Cresci, promoted by Duccio Trassinelli and Demetria Verduci, who have created an international residence for artists.

Elena Dell’Andrea
The residence will welcome the artist, Elena Dell’Andrea, from June 16 to June 22.
Every day, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM it will open to the public to display the development of her project, “Beyond Borders”.
In this time of conflict, the theme of borders is at the center of attention. The artist, who has already investigated this theme in the past from the point of view of isolation (ISOLA-ISOLAMENTO), now urges us to reflect about the infinite, “Beyond Borders”.
“I had already experimented a theme related to the passing of borders through imagination and the ‘bridge’ concept,” the artist tells us. “Parting from these reflections, in this space I would like to find a formula for surpassing the borders of SPACE (SPAZIO) by surpassing LIMITS (LIMITI), through a dialogue with the spirit of the location, with site-specific installations”.
Within her reflections, in fact, the”genius loci”, the spirit of the place, characterizes the developed projects, thus influencig the works which are contaminated by that which surrounds them.
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